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November 2016

daily diary, home

Do what you can

November 21, 2016


I read Garance Dore’s profile of Lauren Singer and her no-waste lifestyle a few weeks ago, but I can’t get it out of my mind. I think about it when I go to the grocery store, when I use a ridiculous amount of paper towels every day and when I flip the switch for electric heat at home now that the mornings have a chill in the air.

Truth is, I do so very little to reduce my environmental impact and I’ve carried that guilt around with me for a while now. It’s inspiring to see this young person saying no to the guilt and just going after what sustainability means to her. I think it’s time that I do the same. I’m going to take her advice and just get started with it. Every little bit counts, right?

A few of my favorite quotes from the article:

“When I looked at myself four years ago, I realized that while I cared about the environment, I wasn’t doing anything at all that aligned with that except talking about it. So the exercise of making adjustments to my everyday life was so fulfilling because I realized I was living in a way that was exactly what I believed in.”


“If you look at the things that constitute zero waste, like using wash clothes instead of paper towel, saying no to plastic straws, neither of those things are hard, and once you incorporate those into your routine, it has a really positive impact”

and, finally:

“To myself, I think I’m just so much more self-aware now. I used to blame everyone else for the state of the world – politicians, and government and business, and it wasn’t until I stopped and looked at myself that I realized I had power to make a positive or negative impact, and I realized I was making a negative one. That helped me look at myself and really do things to change how I was living.”

Kudos to Lauren for the voice she’s giving the zero-waste movement and for the company she’s leading that aligns with her values, Simply Co.

Photo from

intuitive eating, weight

Embrace Documentary…worth it

November 11, 2016

I’m not a huge movie buff. Because I’m a big reader, a movie has to be compelling enough for me to use two potential reading hours to watch it. To Keith’s frustration, I will often start a movie and then end up on my phone because it doesn’t hold my attention. So, I may not be the best authority when it comes to film, but I feel confident saying that Embrace is worth the watch. Not only did it hold my attention for the entire film, it caused me to have a deeper understanding of women’s body image and how to strengthen my individual resolve to not subscribe to narrow definitions of beauty.

It’s a great story of personal agency and the power that comes when you fully accept who you are. Learn more about Embrace here and take a peek at the trailer below.

I’d love to know your thoughts if you give it a watch. Do share!

damn delicious

Recipes I’ve Tried and Really Liked: Smitten Kitchen Roasted Cauliflower

November 10, 2016


Yesterday evening, we had a delightfully veggie-filled dinner that included baked potatoes, kale salad, sauteed mushrooms and onions and this phenomenal cauliflower. I’m a pretty big fan of roasted cauliflower, so I was intrigued by Smitten Kitchen’s Roasted Cauliflower with Pumpkin Seeds, Brown Butter and Lime recipe when I saw it a couple of weeks ago. It seemed easy enough, so I decided to try it out.

I loved it! The satisfying crunch of toasty pumpkin seeds mixed in with the roasted flavor of the cauliflower, brightened up with a squeeze of lime juice brought plain ol’ cauliflower from good on its own to great. Definitely give it a try. If you’re one to stray from the uber traditional Thanksgiving feast, this could be an interesting side dish to whip up.