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December 2016

beauty, Style

My go-to perfume: Chanel Chance, eau fraiche

December 14, 2016


I’m not sure what all to say about this perfume except that I absolutely love it and I feel like I need to share it with you all so that you have it in your life as well. I spritz it on every single day before I leave the house and I often receive compliments on it. It’s a lovely, light fragrance. I bought myself a bottle for my birthday last year and I actually just had to reorder today because my bottle is now bone dry.

Next time you venture into Sephora, be sure to give it and try and let me know what you think.

Do you have a scent you always wear? If so, do share!

intuitive eating

On Enough

December 11, 2016


One of the hardest things for me as I learn to eat intuitively is to stop at enough. It’s the simplest concept, really. You eat when you’re hungry and you stop when you’re full. Ideally, you eat before you get really hungry and you stop before you get really full. If you take action before you get to the ‘really’ stage, it’s easier to listen to your body and do what it wants.

I seem to be fond of getting way, way too hungry. For someone who loves food as much as I do, it’s weird to me that I wait until I’m shaky hungry before I figure out what to feed myself. That starving stage makes me feel a bit food-panicky and my brain shifts into survival mode. When I finally get to food, I feel scared to stop eating. It takes a tremendous amount of willpower to listen to my body when it’s had plenty of food if I’ve waited too long to eat.

It helps to stop at enough when I don’t get too hungry before I eat. I don’t have the panicked feeling and I can tune in a bit more to how I’m feeling. I know there’s a precise moment where I’ve gone from ‘this food is fantastic’ to ‘wow, I think I’ve eaten enough for now’. My body will tell me every single time. The problem is that I often willfully ignore my body. I keep going. I eat the other half of the sandwich. I get the second bowl of soup. I practically lick the plate clean. I end up feeling really full and my brain starts to dull a bit. I feel uncomfortable in my pants.

It’s something I’m still working on. I know I’ll never be perfect at stopping at enough, but I hope to be better about it. As I head into this new work week, my goal is to tune in a bit more to my body’s cues. I hope to eat before I get really hungry so that it’s easier for me to stop when I’m full. It’s good for me to work on this. Practicing new skills is the only way to make progress toward the relationship I want to have with food and with my body.

What are you working on with your intuitive eating practice?

image via

beauty, Style

Comfort Zone

December 9, 2016


I recently tried to do the ombre trend with my hair, which I typically keep highlighted blonde. It was a process. Initially, we had to actually dye my roots brown and darken my whole head. For subsequent appointments, my roots would continue to grow out and we would pepper in more blonde closer to my ends.

It was definitely easier to take care of, but I never loved it. For one thing, I realized that I actually do have lots of grey hairs, which is something I wouldn’t have known if my hair had stayed blonde. That was a weird feeling. I keep telling myself that I want to age with grace and thankfulness, but when I saw all these grey hairs on my head, it was a bit sobering to confirm that, yep, I am definitely aging faster than I’d like to be aging. I also didn’t like the fact that I would pay a bunch of money, sit in a styling chair for hours and still  walk out of the salon with roots. That didn’t feel right. I guess I’m old school like that.

Last Friday, I decided to take steps back to full blonde. Goodbye ombre. My stylist gave me babylights and, I think I breathed out a sigh of relief when my hair looked normal to me again. I’ve felt like a million bucks this week at work with my new/old hair back. People have even noticed and commented that they like my hair lighter.

Some trends are fun to play with, to shrug into for a bit and try on for size. But, it doesn’t necessarily make you boring if you want to return to the familiar. At least that’s what I’m learning.

Image via Pinterest. Not my actual hair 🙂