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January 2019

deep thoughts, movies

The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

January 21, 2019

mrs maisel

hellooooooo out there.

I’ve fallen down the streaming rabbit hole of the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. I know, I’m probably the last person on earth to watch the show, but I am loving it. I’m thoroughly engulfed. It has all the right components for me: a strong female lead, lots of humor, all the right period details and conflict a’plenty. I came back from a weekend away and whirlish-dirvished through the house to clean it and get back to Mrs. Maisel.

I boycotted the show based on the terrible font used in the title, but I decided to give it a go and I’m so glad I did. If you’re like me and tend to judge books by their cover, you might want to give it a try. Let me know what you think! Also, are there any other gems that I’m missing? I basically only rewatch Friends over and over so the sky is the limit.

Image via. 

adventure, travel

Dispatches from Reno

January 20, 2019


What was supposed to be a quick couple of nights in Reno has turned into a long weekend due to the weather. We are trying to make the best of it by indulging in lots of beers, gambling, nachos and football. While I normally love a weekend away, I’m a little tense this weekend because I’m away from my Jax and he has a little ear infection. I love him so much that I want to be the one to care for him. When I feel a little low while away from home, I almost always scroll way back into my camera roll and watch videos and look at pictures of him and Boomer when he was a puppy. HOW CUTE IS HE????

Also, here’s a little list of the highlights from Reno:

  • A white-knuckle drive through the mountains late on Friday night. Can I just say how happy I am that Keith was driving?
  • The exhilaration of winning on a really fun game.
  • Room service of salad + strawberries when recovering from day-drinking
  • Sleeping in + taking a nap
  • All you can eat sushi. Even if we paid for it later, it was still good in the moment.
  • The unexpected joy of realizing you have to stay another night.
  • Also realizing that you will be away from your dog for another night at the same moment.

Okay guys, I know this wasn’t my best post. I’m really trying to keep this streak alive. Signing off for now! Hope you’re having a great MLK Jr. weekend.

deep thoughts, home, Uncategorized

Goodbye, Design Sponge

January 19, 2019

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I felt it acutely when Design Sponge decided to announce her departure from the blogosphere last week. I’m so, so bummed. I love reading Design Sponge. I find the content delightful. When I hemmed and hawed about starting up my blog again, I was mostly worried about the disturbing things I’ve read like ‘blogs are dead’, saying that the medium isn’t worth the time in the age of instagram, podcasting and vlogging. I get it, but it also kills me. The best thing about the internet is blogs. Well, the way they used to be before ‘lifestyle blogging’ became a thing. The pictures combined with the words, honest and vulnerable words that drive community and connection, is what I miss the most about the internet before the rise of instagram and curated lifestyle content.

I’m stubbornly believing that there are still people who want to read blogs from real people. To connect in a meaningful way. I don’t have any designs of creating a publishing empire. I just want to drip, drip, drip – create content from the heart each day and connect with people. I wish that Design Sponge wouldn’t leave, but I also understand that sometimes you need a change of direction. All I can say is that she will definitely be missed.

What do you guys think? Do you miss ye blogs of olde or are you all about that Instagram life?

Image via.