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Dear Santa

December 12, 2019

I had grand ideas of putting together a bunch of shopping guides this holiday season, but let’s be real, it’s a lot more fun to compile a list of links to things  I really want. Let’s call this my wish list for Santa…

dansk casserole

I’m getting to the age that I’m just tired of crappy Tfal pots that last for about a year before getting all scratched up with loose handles. I’m ready for grown-up pots. From the moment I saw these Dansk pots on Cup of Jo a few months ago, I can’t get them off my mind. I think it would be the kind of pot I could leave on my stove and I know I’d use it over and over and over again.

oxo measuring cups plastic

I’m quite particular with my measuring cups. I get the heeby jeebys when I use any cooking products made of stainless steel. It’s something about the sound they make when they come into another metal object, so any stainless steel measuring cups are a no-go, but my current plastic ones drive me mad because the print on the handles wore out so I have to use deductive reasoning to figure out their measurements everytime I bake. It’s a drag. I found these ones by OXO that have the measurement engraved in the plastic. I fully plan on sending the link to Keith with a winky face and the word ‘xmas’.

double salt cellar


I currently keep my salt in a little Mason jar next to my stove and it is life-changing to be able to grab a pinch of salt while I’m cooking to add some flavor. I’m ready to take my salt-by-the-stove situation to the next level with a dual compartment salt cellar (amazon). That way I wouldn’t have to go to the extra trouble to twist the lid off the Mason jar and  I would be able to have an extra fancy Maldon salt (amazon) option in addition to my traditional table salt.  Wow, I think I am obnoxious just reading that paragraph about, but I like what I like people!

rifle paper stationery

Moving on from the kitchen portion of my Santa Wish List, let’s talk paper goods. I love a good set of stationery and this Rifle Paper Co set is the business. I prefer my cards to be pretty, but without any text so that my own words can shine. But seriously, I like a blank message so I can use it however I want. Sometimes ‘thank you’ just doesn’t fit the occasion!

I also love a good journal in my life. I’m a major devotee of Moleskin. I prefer their soft color journals so I can really get in there with my writing and notes. This one looks great, but you really can’t go wrong.

gold fountain pen

Okay, I’m just going to say this because you probably know by now that I’m into all sorts of woo woo shit. When I visualize the sucess I’m going to have with this blog, I picture a gold pen in my mind’s eye. Get it? Writing and spinning it into gold? I’d love to have this gold fountain pen to sign all of my future checks to myself with.

If we’re really going all out, I’d love it if Santa also brought me a MacBook Pro! Hah! They don’t call it a wish list for nothin’.

Last, but certainly not least… It gives me so much joy to play with my dog Jax, so I’d love it if someone bought us one of these Kong Wubbas. Jax can destroy one in just a couple of days, so I don’t usually buy them but I’d love it if Santa bought one for me.

Okay, I think that’s plenty of consumerism on my part.

What would you love it if Santa brought for you?