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fashion, Rent the Runway Unlimited, Style

I’m Going to Blog my Way Through Rent the Runway Unlimited

December 2, 2019

rent the runway storefront

As a professional woman in my mid-thirties, I’d venture a guess that I am the target consumer for Rent the Runway unlimited. Let me just say, they do an excellent job with their targeting because I see their ads everywhere. Seriously, everywhere. I cannot escape the Rent the Runway Unlimited ads even if I try. Perhaps all this ad exposure has gotten to me, but I am intrigued. Is it worth $159 a month? Do they have a good range of styles in sizes for me? Will it arrive reliably? How much of a pain will it be to manage the subscription?

So many questions!

So, I’m taking one for the team and signing up for Rent the Runway Unlimited. I want to do an unpaid, unfiltered long-term review and share my learnings with you. Why? Because I’m sure you’re also getting lots of ads from them and I want you to be adequately informed before you spend your coins.

Signing up was really, really simple. A discount code from one of those targeted ads on my Instagram Stories worked. I used the code ‘RTRVogue’ to save $50 for my first three months, so I feel pretty good about it. They only asked me my height and weight, so I’m a bit nervous that most of the stuff I ordered isn’t going to fit. Bodies are varied, you know? But, I’m still excited to see what I’m going to get. It’s pretty exciting to be shopping brands I love but never splurge on like Diane Von Furstenberg, Vince and Theory.

rent the runway

I perused the site for a bit and ‘hearted’ about a dozen items. I’m a bit nervous that I didn’t like more stuff. There just wasn’t a lot of variety for me. I suspect it’s because of my ‘extended size’. I also don’t LOVE dresses, but that seems to provide the most options for my size. At any rate, I picked my first shipment, which includes the following items:

rent the runway 2

Within about an hour, I got a text telling me my items were on the way, set to arrive on  12/3. I had hoped it would be two day shipping, but it’s closer to a week. Perhaps it’s because of the holiday?

At any rate, I’m excited for the items I have headed my way. They are items I would love to wear, but probably wouldn’t buy for myself. I think that’s the point of this service, so I’m excited.

I’ll check in with you again soon for an update on my first box. Cross your fingers that I like them!

Do you do Rent the Runway Unlimited? What do you think?

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