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This is 34…

December 10, 2019

this is 34

I can’t believe it’s my birthday and I’m 34! I’m officially in my mid-thirties, which makes me a real, true grown-up. This past Sunday, I made my own favorite cake for myself (German Chocolate!) and the very act of making my own cake felt like a perfect reflection of my growth this past year. As I was baking, I kept thinking about how much I value myself and my own needs in such a deep way right now that I’ll show up for my own self and bake the yummiest cake just because it feels nurturing for my own being.

Does that make sense or make me sound like a total narcissist?

We’re in the age of self-care right now, but sometimes it feels to me like the conversation around self-care stops at bubble baths and face masks when the true, deeper definition for me is gentleness and kindness and self-preservation. And, it’s not just the adage of ‘you can’t pour from an empty cup’ because that frames self-care as something you do so that you can give more of yourself to others. That’s the antithesis of what we’re talking about here. Self care is important because I AM IMPORTANT to me. Being fulfilled and happy and nurtured and rested makes me a better version of me for myself. Isn’t that enough of a reason to prioritize myself and my needs? Not in a selfish way, but in a way that doesn’t make me my absolute last priority?

So, this past year was understanding what self-care really means and actually caring for myself about 30% of the time if I’m honest. I’ve spent pretty much my entire life internally berating myself and running myself into the ground and those old habits die hard, but I do feel them melting away. Every time I do something as seemingly insignificant as baking myself a cake, I reprogram my own brain and teach myself that caring for myself is okay and, actually, highly encouraged.

This year, I also got back in touch with my creativity after spending most of the year creatively blocked and creatively yearning for self-expression. I realized that for most of my life, I didn’t value my creativity as the life force that it is. It’s only been in the last month that I can say I am actually allowing myself to fully explore my creativity and it has been the most wonderful experience blogging here and allowing myself to pursue whatever crazy thing I want to create. As much as possible, I am proceeding despite my self-doubt and my self-consciousness. I didn’t realize how much energy it was taking from me to block myself creativity, but I feel the flow coming back for me and it is amazing.

What else happened this year?

I continued to deepen my spiritual practice and made many self-discoveries and breakthroughs. My spirituality is one of the most important aspects of my life and I know that reconnecting with my soul is helping me show up as the person I want to be in this world. I have so much more growth coming this next year and I am welcoming it with wide open arms.

Another major highlight of this last year was watching Keith’s son graduate high school. Having three grown adults and two grown dogs living in our small little home has come with its own challenges, but being part of so many milestones makes it all worth it.

To recap, 33 brought me:

  • Nurturing self-care
  • Creative expression
  • Spiritual growth
  • Deepened family bonds

Oh, and it also brought surgery, vertigo, our wedding venue, a new job, lots of trips (Santa Fe, Cabo, Arizona, Miami!) and so much more.

This life I get to live is such a huge blessing to me and I am so incredibly grateful for every moment. I welcome this next year with my arms as wide open as possible because I know that the highs and the lows are going to teach me countless lessons and help mold me in the better person I want to become for myself and for the people I love.

If you feel comfortable sharing, how old are you? What is your biggest lesson from this year of your life?


deep thoughts

2019 Thanksgiving Gratitude List

November 28, 2019

denis prescott turkey

I am beyond, beyond, beyond thankful for this year. It was my hardest, best year yet. I can’t really give words to the growth I experienced this year other than to say I know that I am a better person today than I was last November. I solidified my personal value system this year, which helps guide me everyday in the way I show up for myself and for others. I also developed a clear vision of where I want to go with my life and finally started putting plans and effort toward my goals. Before, I felt like I was a spectator in my life, bewildered by how it was turning out. Now, I feel like I’m a participant with a bit of agency. It’s a good feeling.

Those are all wonderful things, but the best part of this growth is that I’m fully awake in my own life. With my eyes open, I realize that each moment is just so beautiful. Here are a few of the moments I’m so thankful for this past year:

  1. The most wonderful partner in Keith, who nursed me back to health after my recent wrist surgery. I hope I never forget the tenderness he used when he washed my hair for me in the shower when I couldn’t do it for myself.
  2. The way it feels to meditate on the couch in the quiet morning with Boomer snuggled into my side and Jax curled up at my feet.
  3. The sheer giddiness I felt when Keith’s son Junior received his high school diploma. He really did it!
  4. The road trip Ian and I took through SoCal and Arizona last December. He was the best adventure buddy and I’ll always treasure our time together.
  5. The awe I felt when I stepped into our wedding reception venue in Cabo. I could literally see all of my friends and family whooping it up in the space. It felt real for the first time.
  6. My new beginning in this blog space. I fought and clawed my way back into believing in myself and creativity this year. For that, I am infinitely grateful.
  7. The trip my mom and I took to Phoenix where we had the most beautiful dinner together. I felt our souls fully connect in that moment as we really, really talked to each other. Our relationship was changed that evening. I get chills thinking about it.
  8. Spending an entire day on the couch watching Friends with my best friend Liz. It felt like we were back in college in the best way possible.
  9. Dancing my heart out. Reconnecting with my body and feeling the palpable energy of dancing with and among womxn. The best gift.
  10. Lastly, all the set-backs. The many failed attempts at getting a new job, the crazy vertigo, the wrist surgery, the miserable days at work, the fights and the freak-outs. I realize now how much they build me into the person I want to be.

What about you, friend? What are you thankful for??

Image via.