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2019 Thanksgiving Gratitude List

November 28, 2019

denis prescott turkey

I am beyond, beyond, beyond thankful for this year. It was my hardest, best year yet. I can’t really give words to the growth I experienced this year other than to say I know that I am a better person today than I was last November. I solidified my personal value system this year, which helps guide me everyday in the way I show up for myself and for others. I also developed a clear vision of where I want to go with my life and finally started putting plans and effort toward my goals. Before, I felt like I was a spectator in my life, bewildered by how it was turning out. Now, I feel like I’m a participant with a bit of agency. It’s a good feeling.

Those are all wonderful things, but the best part of this growth is that I’m fully awake in my own life. With my eyes open, I realize that each moment is just so beautiful. Here are a few of the moments I’m so thankful for this past year:

  1. The most wonderful partner in Keith, who nursed me back to health after my recent wrist surgery. I hope I never forget the tenderness he used when he washed my hair for me in the shower when I couldn’t do it for myself.
  2. The way it feels to meditate on the couch in the quiet morning with Boomer snuggled into my side and Jax curled up at my feet.
  3. The sheer giddiness I felt when Keith’s son Junior received his high school diploma. He really did it!
  4. The road trip Ian and I took through SoCal and Arizona last December. He was the best adventure buddy and I’ll always treasure our time together.
  5. The awe I felt when I stepped into our wedding reception venue in Cabo. I could literally see all of my friends and family whooping it up in the space. It felt real for the first time.
  6. My new beginning in this blog space. I fought and clawed my way back into believing in myself and creativity this year. For that, I am infinitely grateful.
  7. The trip my mom and I took to Phoenix where we had the most beautiful dinner together. I felt our souls fully connect in that moment as we really, really talked to each other. Our relationship was changed that evening. I get chills thinking about it.
  8. Spending an entire day on the couch watching Friends with my best friend Liz. It felt like we were back in college in the best way possible.
  9. Dancing my heart out. Reconnecting with my body and feeling the palpable energy of dancing with and among womxn. The best gift.
  10. Lastly, all the set-backs. The many failed attempts at getting a new job, the crazy vertigo, the wrist surgery, the miserable days at work, the fights and the freak-outs. I realize now how much they build me into the person I want to be.

What about you, friend? What are you thankful for??

Image via.