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the best journaling gear

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My Favorite, Tried-and-true Journal + Pens plus some thoughts on my daily journal habit

May 1, 2020

Do you journal?

I’ve always loved the idea of journaling, but I only started keeping a consistent daily journal a couple of years ago. I’ve found it to be a wonderful addition to my life because it helps me process my thoughts and emotions. I love having a safe space to record my thoughts and to center myself everyday. I wake up in the morning, brew my coffee, dance a little bit, meditate for about five minutes and drink my coffee while writing in my journal.

The most surprising thing to me about my consistent journaling habit is the utter banality of my entries. I basically write the same gratitude list over and over every morning. I also write about my hopes and dreams, which is usually the same riff on: I want to be a writer and I want to move into a bigger house and I want to travel. That’s what a dream about. It got to the point where I got so bored writing out the same dreams day after day that I decided to actually go after them! That’s why I’m writing here and that’s why I dedicated myself to finding us a new place to live. I’m finally making progress on my dreams and it feels SO good.

I also use my journal to write out my frustrations with my life, which helps me spot recurring patterns and to recognize when I’m being an asshole. Sometimes I write entries that are so mean that I pull the pages out and rip them up afterwards. It feels good to discharge the energy that way, but it’s not a side of myself that I want to let linger. Almost always, writing in my journal helps me process my thoughts and to figure out what to do next, but it’s almost NEVER writing that I’d want to share with someone. I guess I thought that my journal writing would lead to good writing that I want to share with the world, but it’s the exact opposite. I discharge the bullshit in my safe pages so that I can bring something intelligible to my public writing spaces.

Whatever works, right?

I’m writing this post because I want to share with you my absolute FAVORITE journaling tools. I really don’t need anything fancy, but I love quality. You want the thoughts to feel good when the come from your brain to the pen and ultimately to the paper.

Here’s what I love to use:

  • Moleskin for life! I’ve tried different types of journals, but I go back to Moleskin again and again. I am in love with the 7.5 x 9.75 inch soft cover ruled Moleskin journals (Amazon). It feels like writing on binder paper. You can really get in there and get some momentum. I also love that your hand doesn’t hang over the edges, which is what I hate about smaller, thicker journals. The soft cover lets you fold the journal on itself and it’s so malleable, plus it’s lightweight for travel. It weighs almost nothing and can fit in the tightest of spaces.
  • As far as pens, I am recently enamored of the Energel Liquid Gel Ink Needle Tip .5mm black (Amazon). Holy wow! They have such precision, they flow so nicely, they have a wonderful grip and they last forever. Keith bought me a pack for Christmas and I just had to replace it last week.
  • For a more marker feel, I highly recommend the Paper Mate Flair Medium (Amazon). They’re like a Sharpie times ten. I love writing with these so much. Try writing a list with these. It will feel SO good to you, promise!

Thanks for letting me share my passion for journal gear. I’d be delighted if this list inspired you to buy some great gear and dive into a journaling habit.

Your turn: what’s your favorite journaling gear? Let me know in the comments. I’m always down to add some new gear to my repertoire.