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Day 5: Travel Mode ACTIVATED

September 1, 2021

The magazine is officially cracked. Beyonce is staring back at me from the pages of the September issue of Bazaar. God, I love that woman. Don’t we all?

We are at the airport. I made it through a messy, busy workday where I had to crank at level 100 to get ready for this. Those frantic few hours before you sign off for vacation take a special kind of patience, but I’m so very thankful. Thankful for this chance to get away. Thankful for the ability to travel with my love and with my family and see new places and just relax on the beach. It’s SO needed after everything we’ve collectively been through and for the bad news that continues to bombard us all. It’s easy to get so caught up in the cycle of bad news that sometimes I have to literally touch my arm, pinch my own skin and say to myself: ‘you’re still here. You’re still breathing. There is still so much good in the world, even though it feels so dark right now.’

Here’s a short list of things I’m grateful for today:

  • This quote from the Beyonce article: “My wish is for my 40s to be fun and full of freedom. I want to feel the same freedom I feel on stage every day of my life. I want to explore aspects of myself that I haven’t had time to discover and enjoy my husband and my children. I want to travel without working. I want this next decade to be about celebration, joy, and giving and receiving love. I want to give all the love I have to the people who love me back.” Me too, Beyonce, me too.
  • The spot between my dog Jax’s eyes that is just as wide as my puckered lips, perfect for me to lay a sloppy kiss on him about a million times a day.
  • Quiet morning moments for reflection and little notes in my journal. I steal this time back before I slip into the craziness of the day.
  • The way my love decided to drink from his Pepsi while still wearing his mask at the airport. He looked like he had an ant nose. I’ll share a reel on my instagram sometime soon.
  • A successful PR launch at work. I’m so incredibly proud of myself and my team and all of the people I work with. We really did it.
  • The technology that powers my life. Ubers to the airport, digital check-in, order ahead at Peet’s Coffee, ATMs, tethering on my phone that allows me to post this blog. Yes, even video conference calls. I love it all and I try not to take it for granted.
  • Travel. The excitement that comes with setting off for a new destination. The planes that cut through the air. The expectancy of the airport. Snacks! I am obsessed with Bugles lately. Pulling your passport and old pesos out of the drawer and feeling that little thrill course through you.

I love you, friends. Thank you for reading here. Talk to you tomorrow!