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daily diary, workplace

Back to life…

November 7, 2016


The end of vacation is here! It’s back to life, back to reality for me. Here are four ways I’m making my return to the workplace easier:

  • Eating a bomb breakfast – My mom canned me some homemade pepper jelly, which I’m putting on the best, nutty toast with some cream cheese.
  • Getting to work early – I used to be the type to spend the Sunday before I came back to work sorting through emails to get a head start, but then I realized that I was just giving back one of my vacation days for free. Now I just try to arrive to the office a bit early to sort through the urgent emails before my meetings start cranking.
  • Maximizing the actual vacation – Knowing that I made the absolute most out of my vacation, including sleeping in, eating and relaxing makes it easier for me to get back to the grind. It’s the worst when you get back to the office after a vacation only to realize that you never actually disconnected from work in the first place.
  • Packing lunch – I have a mandatory lunch meeting this afternoon. Oh goody. Instead of taking the wild card catered lunch, which is almost always questionable at best, I’ve opted to pack my own. Leftovers of homemade vegetarian pizza and kale salad give me something delicious to look forward to.

How do you ease back into work after time away?

Image via Bloglovin