damn delicious, recipes I've tried and liked

Recipes I’ve Tried and Liked: Salted Brown Butter Rice Krispie Treats from Smitten Kitchen

October 27, 2019

smitten kitchen brown butter rice krispie treats

I’m going to make a bold claim: the humble Rice Krispie Treat is perhaps the most under-rated dessert in America.

I’ve been homebound lately suffering from a crazy bout with vertigo. My appetite is completely unscathed by the vertigo, so I’ve been sitting around hungry and miserable, wanting good food but not having the energy to do much work to get it. I gathered my strength last weekend to stagger around the grocery store and I knew that I was going to buy a box of Rice Krispies at the store so I could finally use up the bag of marshmallows left in our cupboard from camping this summer to make one of my favorite treats.

I can’t remember the last time I made Rice Krispie Treats, but I decided I wanted to try to make a more adult version of them. I had heard the praises of Deb’s Salted Brown Butter version, so I tried it for myself. After letting the butter get to that nutty brown perfection, I stirred in the marshmallows. I had to add a little bit of heat to get the big ones for smores to melt properly, but as they dissolved into a gooey blob of sugary goodness, I could barely contain my excitement. It was just as unwieldy as I remembered to try to add the cereal and get it to stick and not make a terrible mess. As I pressed them in the pan, my mouth started watering and I couldn’t even wait for them to set.

All week, I’ve been going back to the pan for another serving. I literally look forward to eating these things everyday. While writing this, I finished off the remaining square. The treat was kind of stale at this point, but it was still absolutely delicious. I can’t think of a single dessert that I’ve made over the past few months that I loved as much as these silly Rice Krispie Treats.

Do yourself a favor and make these. Don’t wait for an occasion. The occasion is that you want them! They’ll be done in less than ten minutes. Leave me a comment and let me know if you decide to make them. I want to know if they transported you back to your childhood and if you loved them more than you remembered loving them when you were a kid!

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