deep thoughts, life lately, Uncategorized, workplace

Reminders for Myself at my New Job

December 12, 2019


I started a new job this week, which brings so much excitement but also a bit of overwhelm because so much change is happening so quickly. I jotted down these little reminders for myself that I wanted to share with you in case you perhaps find it helpful.

Things to remember:

  • It’s really, really overwhelming to start a new job. It’s okay if you need to crawl under the covers to recharge as soon as you get home for the first month. Be gentle with yourself in every moment. Look out for yourself and do what you need to do to be okay. That especially includes finding moments where you steal away to take deep breaths and connect with yourself. There are no bonus points for pushing through and ignoring your body’s signals that everything is a bit too much.
  • Just focus on adding value from day one. Your job is not to come in and point out flaws in other people’s hard work. It’s not on you to run the show the moment you walk in the door or to fix all the ‘problems’  you perceive. For right now, your job is to join the team and contribute in the biggest and tiniest ways you can.
  • Remember to be kind and human to everyone you meet. Look them in the eyes and connect with their humanity. The first few weeks begin to form the genuine connections that will sustain your work for years to come.
  • Take advantage of a clean slate. Fresh starts don’t come around all the time. Think about how you can use this change of pace to set up your work and your home routines to optimize your happiness and your effectiveness.
  • Accept that you’re going to make mistakes. It’s part of the territory when doing anything new. Be as careful as you can, but remember that growth comes from trying new things and no one but you expects you to do everything perfectly on your first try.
  • Remember that everything is impermanent and that is the best and worst part of life. If it’s really hard or uncomfortable, it will pass. If it’s scary or overwhelming, it will pass. The new will fade and you’ll forget the way you felt in this moment, so keep that in perspective for anything that feels tough. This brand new job is just one moment in a hopefully long career and life.

Do you have any other reminders you find helpful when going through a career change?

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