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the internet is magic

The Internet is Magic, Volume IX

April 13, 2020

Welcome to the latest edition of The Internet is Magic! I think we can all agree that some awesomeness is happening online these days, but I still wanted to pop in with a little link round up to brighten your day. Enjoy!

As a lemon bar aficionado, I really loved The Kitchn’s popular online lemon bar recipe review. I’ve made Deb Perelman’s before and really enjoyed them, but I must admit that the author made quite a compelling case for Martha’s. I’ll take any excuse to make a lemon bar….

I thought it was heartwarming to see medical workers putting their photos on the outside of their PPE.

Now I want to watch Insecure and I also like Issa Rae even more than before. Her list of current projects is exhausting. How does she do all that?

If you want some escapism, may I recommend The Little Magpie’s Italian road trip series from last Summer? Italy is truly my dream destination and photos like these are why. I read and I sent love to Italy and everything they have gone through with Corona.

I dream of owning a hot tub one day. Hungry Runner Girl is making me so jealous with her family hot tub content right now. What I wouldn’t do to have a hot tub to escape to in my backyard after these long boring days…

That’s it for me these days. I figure you’ve seen pretty much everything on the internet lately….do you have anything you want to share with me???

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the internet is magic

The Internet is Magic, Vol VI

January 3, 2020

Because even in the worst news cycle, there is always something magical to read on the internet. Here are a few things that lifted my spirits this week…


How fitting is it that I discovered the Rent Week series on Bon Ap’s website right before the most brutal rent week of the year? I want to make these Garage Noodles any day of the week. I also want to cook basically every other recipe on the site, which is great because Keith and I are probably going to be eating like it’s rent week all year in 2020 between our wedding, some trips and the $7k ACL surgery we just found out our sweet dog Jax is going to need in potentially BOTH knees. The Stromboli Recipe is my Only Dependent looks epic as do the Crispy Chicken Thighs. The recipes are easy and so well-written. Please don’t be surprised if a lot of these recipes show up on my Weekly Meal Plans over the next few months.

Do you have a resolution to clean up your insta feed to more uplifting content? I have gotten quite a few gems from Yung Pueblo and I actually just ordered his book to share on the blog soon. Highly recommend for people on their healing journey, which is all of us right?

Speaking of healing…I finished listening to the Eckhart Tolle & Oprah podcast on Tolle’s book A New Earth and wowza it was SO GOOD. Like, life changing good. I had tried to read Tolle’s work in the past, but I just wasn’t ready for it like I am now. He explains pain and suffering and the power of now and life purpose. If those buzzwords ring your bell, please give yourself the time to listen. It honestly changed me for the better.

I’m a total Seth Godin fangirl and I really liked his first post of 2020.

What about you friends? Have you found anything magical on the internet lately?

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