books, just for fun

5 Wonderful Books

November 26, 2019

books i love


If you’re reading here, my guess is that you love books. I bet you grew up with your head in a book and that you’d rather read than do most anything, even as an adult. I know I’m constantly looking for a book that is going to speak to me on a soul level, leaving me better having read it. It doesn’t always happen, does it? But, when that book magic hits and it teaches you an important life lesson in the gentle way that books have… wow, I love that feeling so much.

These books below spoke to me in so many ways, so I wanted to share them here for you. Please take what resonates with you and let me know if you want to chat about it. I love bonding over reading.

The Alchemist (amazon)

This book reconnected me to what I believe is my purpose on this planet – to express myself via writing. I saw myself in the hero’s journey in pursuing his Personal Legend. It is an engrossing, beautiful read. If you haven’t read it, I highly, highly recommend.

The Untethered Soul (amazon)

This book taught me so much about spirituality. I reread it multiple times. It helped me understand how to transcend the incessant voice in my head and get in touch with my true soul. It was a truly impactful read for me and I highly recommend it to any spiritual seeker.

The Surrender Experiment (amazon)

This book is the perfect companion to The Untethered Soul. It tells the story of the author, Michael Singer, who applied the concepts he teaches in The Untethered Soul to his own life journey. It’s a real-life example of what it means to surrender. Beautiful.

You are a Badass  (amazon)

This book kick-started my whole spiritual journey, so I have such a big soft spot for it. It’s a great read for learning how to get out of your own way and trust the flow of the universe, to level up into the person you want to be. It is informal and easy to read, but the concepts pack a punch. It’s a great read if you’re like, ‘spiritual what? who?’ It’s a great place to start.

The Artist’s Way (amazon)

This one is still new to me, but it again validated how important the creative pursuit is to the artist. It argues that making time and space for creativity is vital for people who consider themselves creative or who have creative yearnings. I didn’t realize how much stifling my creativity was hurting me until I read this book. I haven’t had time to do all of the processes and workshops, but I do try to do the artist’s pages every morning and I have found it super helpful.

Those are some books close to my heart. I hope you enjoy them, friends. Now, more importantly: what are you reading right now? Please let me know the books that speak to your heart so I can add them to my library.

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