books, deep thoughts

Oprah and Dr. Maya Angelou Super Soul Conversation

January 3, 2019


Aah, Oprah. We all love her, right? She has a knack for connection that leads to the most inspiring interviews. Her voice just feels like a hug.

I credit Oprah with jump starting my spiritual journey. When I was dealing with a crushing three-hour round trip work commute a couple of years ago, I started listening to Oprah’s Super Soul podcast. Her show encouraged me to explore my spiritual connection again. I had pretty much abandoned anything spiritual when I went to college because I needed to find my own way apart from the religion and church I was raised in.

I hated that commute in a lot of ways, but I look back on it with gratitude now because it helped me get in touch with my own soul again. That’s worth every hour I spent flying down highway 99.

Last week, I decided to drive home to Arizona for a holiday visit. 13 hour road trips are pretty brutal, but at least I had Oprah. I listened to her interview with the late Dr. Maya Angelou and…wow. Just, wow.

So much wisdom in these words, friends. You have to give it a listen. Here are some of my favorite quotes from the interview:

Oprah speaking about gathering the courage to ask Dr. Maya Angelou for an interview when she was in her twenties: “I allowed myself to be vulnerable enough to take the risk to be turned down by her.”

These gems by Angelou:

“I care and I dare.”

“You forgive yourself for every failure because you tried to do the right thing. God knows that and you know it. Nobody else may know it.”

“When you get, give. When you learn, teach.”

When her mom told her that she was the greatest woman she’d ever met, she said “suppose she’s right, maybe I am going to become somebody”.

It’s incredible to me to think about a Maya Angelou before all the success and fame, wondering if maybe her mom was right and that she was someone special. Gives me goosebumps to think that we all have to start somewhere from something to make anything beautiful. And now I am going to go add I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings and Mom and Me and Mom to my cart on Amazon.

Image via.

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