
A Change in Direction for MeeshyD…

March 25, 2020

Gosh, I love this little ol’ blog of mine. I love being creative and finding my writing voice. Lately, I’ve been feeling the pull to have a bit more ‘direction’ to my writing in this space, but I wasn’t sure if I was ready to commit to sharing my goals so publicly here.

Well, after this pandemic, I just feel a big ol’ case of the ‘eff its’. Who has time to waste hemming and hawing over a decision related to their online blog when the world as we know it can change in an instant? The time is now. Seize the day! So, I’m ready to follow the call of my heart and get a little more specific around these parts and put myself out there a bit more.

Here goes…

I want to change the way I live my life. I’m realizing that I’ve spent my time chasing down big goals and climbing ladders and participating in the rat race and I just feel like I want to explore a whole new path. I want to simplify. Less expensive dinners out and fancy vacations, more cooking at home and buying second-hand. I’d love to know what it’s like to be free of consumer debt. I’d like to explore a life where every week doesn’t stretch out into an endless stream of obligations and events and where there is more time to just be.

What would that feel like?

I’m getting a taste of it right now as I am so lucky to be working from home during this pandemic. I wake up after sleeping enough and I connect with my loved ones and then I do great work and then I cook a delicious dinner. Maybe go for a walk. That’s it, but that’s everything. I feel like my soul is resting for the first time in a long time and I want to find more of that.

So, I’m going to play with shifting the focus of this space here by documenting the ways I’m changing my life. I’m going to track the things I’m doing to simplify and to pay down debt. I’m going to share the things I’m cooking and the exploration I’m doing around more sustainable fashion and home design. Come to think of it, it’s the same stuff I’ve been sharing already, but through a new lense.

What do you think? I hope you’ll continue to follow along.

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