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I found the perfect affordable adult lunch box

January 22, 2020

affordable adult lunch box 1

For the first time in my adult working life, I’m packing my lunch on the regular. After a few weeks of walking into the office carrying a plastic bag of shame, I decided that it was high time for me to get my own lunch box. I immediately pictured myself carrying something like this and I just couldn’t face it. Look, I’m not too proud to admit that I want to look chic and the lunch boxes I carried in middle school are just not the ticket.

When I got down to shopping, I realized that my list of lunchbox needs is long. I needed a pail that would keep my food cool all day. I have a sensitive nose and there’s a peculiar smell in any communal work refrigerator that brings me to my knees, so I needed a lunchbox that would allow me to avoid the office fridge altogether. I also needed space. I like to have lots o’ snacks at work. The best thing in life is an option and I fully subscribe to that statement. I like to bring fruit, yogurt, nuts, jerky and a big ass glass leftovers container to work everyday. Sometimes I eat it all, sometimes I don’t. I also needed it to look cool yet discreet, be easy to clean and, oh, not cost a million and two dollars. Turns out this was a bit of a tall order.

I found lots of interesting options in the $40 price range. Nope, not going to do it. I just couldn’t justify spending that much money when I’m still a lunch-packing newbie. I ended up rolling the dice and taking the Amazon route. You know the random sellers who have mostly good reviews, but then a handful of reviews that make you think that the whole thing is a big scam? In the interest of content for this blog, I took a $14 amazon chance and, thankfully, the odds were in my favor.

affordable adult lunch box

You’ll see that I can fit PLENTY in this little guy. I can easily put multiple snacks, slim ice packs, cutlery and up to two leftover containers. Is this lunch box the sturdiest, most well-made pail that will last me for a decade? Perhaps not. It could be a bit better quality, but it is quite good for the price and I highly recommend.

Do you have any lunch box recommendations? Do you do the plastic bag walk of shame? Do you pack your lunch for work? No judgement here, obviously, as I ate out lunch for the last several years. We’re all just trying our best.

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