
Thread Wallets

December 5, 2019

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May I introduce you to the cutest little $15 wallet that will change your life?

I’m currently on my second Thread Wallet and I’m such a fan. To answer the number one question I know is on your mind: NO, the cards do not fall out. They just don’t. I have lost nary a single card in this nifty little wallet and I use it every single day multiple times per day because I need two different cards to enter the parking garage and the building at work. I don’t really understand the magic of the design that keeps the cards from falling out while still making it super easy to access your cards, but it just works.

There is also a little pouch on the opposite side of wallet that is the perfect size for cash folded in two.

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I used to carry a bulky wallet filled with multiple cards, coupons, receipts and so. much. junk. Now, I keep it super minimal and I honestly don’t miss all the old loyalty cards and stuff that I used to carry. Of course, it’s a personal preference to travel a bit lighter, but it really works for me and I can’t recommend it enough. I just decided that being able to get a free coffee every ten cups (or 10% off) wasn’t enough of an incentive for me to have to keep track of so much stuff, so I just let all the loyalty stuff go. It’s pretty freeing. Also, this wallet still lets you carry quite a bit. In mine, I have my driver’s license, insurance cards, HSA card, debit card, credit card, Costco card, two work IDs, my clipper bart card and about $40. That’s not bad!

What do you do for your wallet situation? I’m always interested to know how other people move about the world. I was inspired to go light by my best friend Liz who doesn’t even carry a purse!

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