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january intentions

monthly goals

January Intentions Check-in

January 31, 2019

january in reno

In January, I had a great visit with my mom where we went to the White Elephant Preview Sale put on by the Oakland Museum Women’s Board. Um, hello 96,000 square feet of second-hand treasures! Keith and I also had a great month together with lots of quality time and a fun trip to Reno for his birthday. I also worked a whole lot in January and had to get some non-serious skin cancer spots taken care of, which was surprisingly painful. Nevertheless, I am continuing on my spiritual journey and loving it, killing it at work, enjoying my life in Oakland with my wonderful family. All in all, it was a lovely month but not without its own unique challenges.

Let’s get to my recap on my January 2019 intentions..

Blog: Post here every day of the month. Don’t overthink it. Consistency is key!

Recap: I didn’t make it every day, but I sure did write a whole heck of a lot. I am proud of my This is 33 post and my amended review of Becoming.

Home: Keep looking for my dream couch.

Recap: I am still looking. My dream couch hasn’t found me yet, but it’s not for want of me searching for it. I even wrote a little post about my couch hunt here.

Health: Get back to my 3xs weekly training sessions + weekly dance sessions. Drink lots of water.

Recap: I have been hitting the workouts hard this month and it feels so good. I have had lots of plans on Saturdays when my weekly dance class meets, but I’ve made it as much as I could. Water has been tougher. When I get busy, I forget. Hold on, let me take a drink of water real quick to make up for it.

Family: Talk about college with the oldest son. Book Boomer’s vet appointment – stop being scared of his heart murmur and handle it.

Recap: We did talk about college and he has a plan. I am excited for him to finish high school and to feel like he has a bit more control over his education. I think that will make a difference for him. I didn’t make the vet appointment. Next month, for sure. I know it’s completely illogical, but I’m scared to know if there’s something wrong with him.

Travel: Book a quick getaway for Keith’s bday to Reno.

Recap: We did it! It wasn’t necessarily quick, but we made it. Even though the trip ended on the rough side, I absolutely loved getting away and adventuring with my man.

Spirit: Continue daily morning meditation + attend spiritual workshop.

Recap: Going strong! I love my morning meditation and can definitely feel the difference when I skip it. The spiritual workshop is on Saturday and I am SO excited.

Work: Kill it at the annual business review.

Recap: We have our presentation on Monday, but I am confident that we are going to rock it.

Friends: Have an epic phone date with my bestie.

Recap: Done and done. It was SO good talking to her. She has BIG PLANS for this year and I am so excited for her.

 I’m pretty proud of how much I did this month. It was a perfect combination of productivity and fun.
What about you? How was your month? Did you meet your goals? Still going strong on your resolutions or intentions?
daily diary, deep thoughts, monthly goals

January 2019 Intentions

January 7, 2019

hello january

Gah, I can’t believe that it’s already 2019. My overarching life goal is that every new year that I live becomes the best year of my life. Last year was my best year yet and this year holds nothing but sweet, sweet possibility. I intend to live this year to the fullest so that I can kick off the roaring 2020s with a vengeance.

To keep me on track, I plan to list my intentions in this space every month. I’m known for doing the most, but here I plan to keep my list super short and focused on the very most important thing to accomplish in each major area of my life. When I post the next month’s intentions, I’ll do a short recap of how I fared in the previous month. Yay for accountability. Feel free to share your intentions in the comments. I’d love to help keep you honest!

Blog: Post here every day of the month. Don’t overthink it. Consistency is key!

Home: Keep looking for my dream couch.

Health: Get back to my 3xs weekly training sessions + weekly dance sessions. Drink lots of water.

Family: Talk about college with the oldest son. Book Boomer’s vet appointment – stop being scared of his heart murmur and handle it.

Travel: Book a quick getaway for Keith’s bday to Reno.

Spirit: Continue daily morning meditation + attend spiritual workshop.

Work: Kill it at the annual business review.

Friends: Have an epic phone date with my bestie.

home, just for fun

Couch, couch, where art thou?

January 18, 2019


Guys, like a sheep I followed the influencers of the blogosphere and bought the Sven Sofa from Article. Not impressed. Not one little bit. I’ve had it for about two years now and it is flimsy and not very comfortable and looks absolutely nothing like the photo above. The back pillows have lost their shape and the seat pillow is as flat as a pancake. To add insult to injury, I bought the ‘apartment size’ which is barely bigger than a loveseat. You should see Keith, me and our two dogs that together weigh a whopping 144 pounds all wedged in the sofa. It isn’t pretty.

I put it on my monthly intentions post for January to continue looking for the perfect couch. My eyes hurt from all this looking. I have a highly specific desire for us with this new couch: leather (it’s best for us with the dogs), no back pillows because in my experience they always get crumpled fast, ideally a chaise lounge on the right side and big enough for all four of us to snuggle without feeling crushed. Above all, I want it to be well-made. I hate that I paid nearly two thousand dollars for a couch that is literally falling apart in less than two years. I seriously feel ill when I think of all that money. One final consideration: I don’t know how long we are going to stay in this house. We’re month-to-month now and we might not stay here for more than another year or we might die here given the cost of rentals in Oakland, so I’m not sure how much money I want to throw at this problem. In my experience, couch size and configuration doesn’t easily translate from space to space.

Yet, I really, really, really want a better couch. I love being at home and hanging with my family. It’s my favorite thing, but this Sven couch is seriously cramping my chillaxin’ style. Okay, now that I sound like the most whiny entitled millennial, please let me share some images of not-quite-perfect couches that I am liking online:


I kinda like this rolled arm sofa from Interior Define. It costs way too much money, but you can customize the fabric and also buy it with a chaise. It’s cute, but you have to wait for them to custom-make it. Momma don’t have time for that. I’d rather spend four months looking for a new couch to no avail.


I could go the route of tufted leather chesterfield, but doesn’t it look a bit…uncomfortable? I feel like if you tried to sit on that you’d just bounce right back off like a damn trampoline. Also, I feel like I’d need to bust out the Hugh Heff robe + cigar + smoking slippers. It’s just a bulky hubba hubba kinda sofa. Not my jam right now.

channeled leather sofa

For some reason, this channeled leather sofa makes my heart go pitter patter. I’m all heart-eyed emoji over this guy, but it ain’t cheap at $2700 and I think it would just overpower our tiny little living room. It’s also from CB2, which I suspect could be about the same quality as Article. It’s just not the one.

latonya sofa cup of jo

Even though this sofa checks literally none of my boxes and it’s from my nemesis Article, I am smitten with it. Again, we’re dealing with a really small living room here, so we could never pull it off in my house, but a girl has to at least have an honorable mention, right? By the way, this photo is from the home tour for LaTonya Yvette on Cup of Jo and is super cool and inspiring. Highly recommend.

Given how hard this sofa search is going, I’m seriously tempted to go the Feather route. Have you heard of them? You can basically rent furniture and they have all the trendy stuff. Lord knows I need another monthly bill like I need a hole in the head, but it might be the best option for us in the long run since we really don’t know where our rental path is going to take us. They don’t have anything that ticks my lengthy list of boxes, but I check in frequently to see if they’ve updated their selection. In the meantime, I browse Facebook and Craigslist on the reg and try to literally manifest the perfect couch into my existence.

What do you guys think? Should I suck it up and deal with our current sofa or pull the trigger on something, anything? Any ideas that I haven’t considered yet??