monthly goals

January Intentions Check-in

January 31, 2019

january in reno

In January, I had a great visit with my mom where we went to the White Elephant Preview Sale put on by the Oakland Museum Women’s Board. Um, hello 96,000 square feet of second-hand treasures! Keith and I also had a great month together with lots of quality time and a fun trip to Reno for his birthday. I also worked a whole lot in January and had to get some non-serious skin cancer spots taken care of, which was surprisingly painful. Nevertheless, I am continuing on my spiritual journey and loving it, killing it at work, enjoying my life in Oakland with my wonderful family. All in all, it was a lovely month but not without its own unique challenges.

Let’s get to my recap on my January 2019 intentions..

Blog: Post here every day of the month. Don’t overthink it. Consistency is key!

Recap: I didn’t make it every day, but I sure did write a whole heck of a lot. I am proud of my This is 33 post and my amended review of Becoming.

Home: Keep looking for my dream couch.

Recap: I am still looking. My dream couch hasn’t found me yet, but it’s not for want of me searching for it. I even wrote a little post about my couch hunt here.

Health: Get back to my 3xs weekly training sessions + weekly dance sessions. Drink lots of water.

Recap: I have been hitting the workouts hard this month and it feels so good. I have had lots of plans on Saturdays when my weekly dance class meets, but I’ve made it as much as I could. Water has been tougher. When I get busy, I forget. Hold on, let me take a drink of water real quick to make up for it.

Family: Talk about college with the oldest son. Book Boomer’s vet appointment – stop being scared of his heart murmur and handle it.

Recap: We did talk about college and he has a plan. I am excited for him to finish high school and to feel like he has a bit more control over his education. I think that will make a difference for him. I didn’t make the vet appointment. Next month, for sure. I know it’s completely illogical, but I’m scared to know if there’s something wrong with him.

Travel: Book a quick getaway for Keith’s bday to Reno.

Recap: We did it! It wasn’t necessarily quick, but we made it. Even though the trip ended on the rough side, I absolutely loved getting away and adventuring with my man.

Spirit: Continue daily morning meditation + attend spiritual workshop.

Recap: Going strong! I love my morning meditation and can definitely feel the difference when I skip it. The spiritual workshop is on Saturday and I am SO excited.

Work: Kill it at the annual business review.

Recap: We have our presentation on Monday, but I am confident that we are going to rock it.

Friends: Have an epic phone date with my bestie.

Recap: Done and done. It was SO good talking to her. She has BIG PLANS for this year and I am so excited for her.

 I’m pretty proud of how much I did this month. It was a perfect combination of productivity and fun.
What about you? How was your month? Did you meet your goals? Still going strong on your resolutions or intentions?

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