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the internet is magic

the internet is magic

The Internet is Magic, Vol VII

February 10, 2020

Friends, I have had a busy Sunday trying to get ready for the week while also unpacking from Hawaii and recovering from Keith’s 50th Bday party this weekend. I’m happy to have an excuse to sit my booty down and peruse the magical internet to bring you some awesome links tomorrow.

I love that someone gets paid to try new products at Trader Joe’s and write witty reviews on Bon App. I giggled aloud reading a few of these. Plus, I bought the artichoke dip today and her review was spot on.

How do you feel about Kim and Kanye’s home, featured this week in Architectural Digest? I love it. I’ve never seen anything like it and I just think it’s fantastic. Can you imagine waking up everyday in something so beautiful?

Shutterbean’s My Everyday Life posts are my favorite. I’ve been reading them for years. She always reminds me to find the magic.

I’m just catching my breath after our epic Maui trip last week (recap coming soon!), but time marches on and we’re going to New Orleans for Jazz Fest at the end of April. Joy the Baker’s Winter/Spring guide to Nola came just in time. Eeeeek! Can’t wait!

I know you’ve already watched Cheer on Netflix, but have you watched them on Ellen? When Jerry hops up and does mat talk for Ellen, I die every time. Yes, I’ve watched this clip multiple times! They are the dose of happiness I need these days, especially Jerry.

This just made me cry like a baby. What a beautiful way to ring in turning fifty.

I’m not going to lie, I was a bit grumpy when I first started writing this post, but after finding all of this magic on the internet, my spirit is lighter and I am just grateful for the miracle of my life. I hope the same for you, friend.

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the internet is magic

The Internet is Magic, Vol VII

January 20, 2020


I’m trying a new thing this week where I share my Internet is Magic links on Monday instead of Friday. I realized this weekend that I do the majority of my internet reading on the weekends, so posting here on Mondays makes more sense for me. Plus, I really like to get all of the blog content scheduled for the week on Sunday. Leaving Internet is Magic until Friday leaves my blog posting to the mercy of my work week and that’s never a good idea. 

I learned this week about Future Self Journaling from the Holistic Psychologist and I’m thinking of giving it a try. Lord knows I have lots of behaviors I want to improve about myself. Is anyone interested in doing a one month challenge with me?

I’d like to be a more informed voter in the upcoming elections, but I feel unsure about how to go about educating myself on where the candidates stand on important issues. I really liked this quiz on the Washington Post to figure out which Democrat agrees with you most. It feels like I’m taking a step in the right direction.

A few years ago, my New Years resolution was to do Sunday Supper with my sister and her family every single week. I am so grateful for that year we spent together every week. Some weeks we both didn’t feel up to it, but we did it anyway. I got to know her and what she was going through that year more intimately and I’m sure she’d say the same. There’s just something special about breaking bread together. This reminds me of that year.  What a cool project.

Just because you know I love Mr. Rogers.

Last week, I was doodling on a paper during an especially long work strategy meeting and I realized that I have no idea how to draw noses. Cue the magical internet teaching me how.

I fell in love with our 795 square foot home again this week and I’m motivated to decorate. Our dining nook and bedroom are on my list. Taking lots of inspo from my latest girl crush Alison Roman’s home on Domino. Reading that article led me to the small spaces tag on Domino and down the rabbit hole I went.

Image via. 

the internet is magic

The Internet is Magic, Vol VII

January 10, 2020

The internet gods blessed us this week. I guess they figured that we needed a distraction from the messiness of our world and gave us reasons to remember that there is a beauty everywhere if you can just remember to open your eyes to it. 

billy porter allure

My writer crush Ashley C. Ford did the Elle cover story for the amazing Billy Porter and I love him and I love her and I love Pose and I just love all of it.


Can I say that I’m having a serious Dolly Parton moment? Are you too? It all started when Keith and I watched her show Heartstrings on Netflix. It was so feel-good in its storyline that it kinda shocked me because I don’t think there are shows around these days that are just pure positive like that. Then, at dinner the other night at the AMAZING Burma Superstar my friend Rach recommended a new podcast Dolly Parton’s America and I just fell down the rabbit hole.  Sometimes the host feels slightly mansplainy to me, but other than that it is just a treasure. It talks about her history and her impact in a way that I just never understood. Yesterday night, I was regaling Keith with fun Dolly Parton trivia and he asked me if I was going to get into her like I’m into Selena, Rihanna, Beyonce and Frida and I said ‘babe, I can’t help it. I love me a strong, kick-ass woman, so I probably am. Better buckle up for this place to become Dollywood.’ I just watched another Heartstrings episode tonight before writing this and I listened to Jolene while I was cooking dinner. Yep, I’m so deep in the rabbit hole right now I can’t even see the sky.

I feel like ‘Thirty and Grumpy’ in this Ask Polly column on The Cut titled ‘I’ve lost my joy and I want it back’ was me about three months ago. Ask Polly is probably my second-favorite advice column after Cheryl Strayed’s Dear Sugar columns from The Rumpus. Man, I wish she were still writing online as Dear Sugar.

Speaking of Selena, I learned tonight that I had never seen the music video to Bidi Bidi Bom Bom. What a treat. She was/is such a treasure.

I think that’s all I’ve got for now, friends. Any fun links online this week? Please share in the comments!