the internet is magic

The Internet is Magic, Vol VII

January 10, 2020

The internet gods blessed us this week. I guess they figured that we needed a distraction from the messiness of our world and gave us reasons to remember that there is a beauty everywhere if you can just remember to open your eyes to it. 

billy porter allure

My writer crush Ashley C. Ford did the Elle cover story for the amazing Billy Porter and I love him and I love her and I love Pose and I just love all of it.


Can I say that I’m having a serious Dolly Parton moment? Are you too? It all started when Keith and I watched her show Heartstrings on Netflix. It was so feel-good in its storyline that it kinda shocked me because I don’t think there are shows around these days that are just pure positive like that. Then, at dinner the other night at the AMAZING Burma Superstar my friend Rach recommended a new podcast Dolly Parton’s America and I just fell down the rabbit hole.  Sometimes the host feels slightly mansplainy to me, but other than that it is just a treasure. It talks about her history and her impact in a way that I just never understood. Yesterday night, I was regaling Keith with fun Dolly Parton trivia and he asked me if I was going to get into her like I’m into Selena, Rihanna, Beyonce and Frida and I said ‘babe, I can’t help it. I love me a strong, kick-ass woman, so I probably am. Better buckle up for this place to become Dollywood.’ I just watched another Heartstrings episode tonight before writing this and I listened to Jolene while I was cooking dinner. Yep, I’m so deep in the rabbit hole right now I can’t even see the sky.

I feel like ‘Thirty and Grumpy’ in this Ask Polly column on The Cut titled ‘I’ve lost my joy and I want it back’ was me about three months ago. Ask Polly is probably my second-favorite advice column after Cheryl Strayed’s Dear Sugar columns from The Rumpus. Man, I wish she were still writing online as Dear Sugar.

Speaking of Selena, I learned tonight that I had never seen the music video to Bidi Bidi Bom Bom. What a treat. She was/is such a treasure.

I think that’s all I’ve got for now, friends. Any fun links online this week? Please share in the comments!




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