the internet is magic

The Internet is Magic, Vol VII

February 10, 2020

Friends, I have had a busy Sunday trying to get ready for the week while also unpacking from Hawaii and recovering from Keith’s 50th Bday party this weekend. I’m happy to have an excuse to sit my booty down and peruse the magical internet to bring you some awesome links tomorrow.

I love that someone gets paid to try new products at Trader Joe’s and write witty reviews on Bon App. I giggled aloud reading a few of these. Plus, I bought the artichoke dip today and her review was spot on.

How do you feel about Kim and Kanye’s home, featured this week in Architectural Digest? I love it. I’ve never seen anything like it and I just think it’s fantastic. Can you imagine waking up everyday in something so beautiful?

Shutterbean’s My Everyday Life posts are my favorite. I’ve been reading them for years. She always reminds me to find the magic.

I’m just catching my breath after our epic Maui trip last week (recap coming soon!), but time marches on and we’re going to New Orleans for Jazz Fest at the end of April. Joy the Baker’s Winter/Spring guide to Nola came just in time. Eeeeek! Can’t wait!

I know you’ve already watched Cheer on Netflix, but have you watched them on Ellen? When Jerry hops up and does mat talk for Ellen, I die every time. Yes, I’ve watched this clip multiple times! They are the dose of happiness I need these days, especially Jerry.

This just made me cry like a baby. What a beautiful way to ring in turning fifty.

I’m not going to lie, I was a bit grumpy when I first started writing this post, but after finding all of this magic on the internet, my spirit is lighter and I am just grateful for the miracle of my life. I hope the same for you, friend.

Image via.

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