life lately

Checking In

April 8, 2020

I’m sitting in my dining nook during my ‘lunch hour’ and I wanted to pop in with a little informal post to check in with you all. How are you holding up in this crazy time? I feel like everyday is an emotional adventure right now, but I seem to be getting a little bit more of a handle on my mind and its doomsday cycles this week.

There’s still lots of reason to hope and to find joy and to ache with gratefulness, especially if you are healthy and you have a roof over your head and enough money in your account to buy groceries. Thankfully, our household checks all those boxes right now, so I’m trying to find peace amidst the uncertainty. I have to believe that those going through rougher waters right now would rather that we sit in appreciation for what we do have versus panic over what might be heading our way.

To that end, here’s a little list of my moments of joy today:

I feel my internal pendulum swinging away from COMFORT FOOD ALL THE TIME to, hmmm, a vegetable sounds nice right now. I’m here for it. This morning, I made myself eggs with butter poached asparagus, topped with a little sprinkle of leftover guyere cheese from my French Onion Soup cooking adventure. What a satisfying little breakfast. To make the butter poached asparagus, just break off the asparagus ends and then cook the spears in about a tablespoon of melted butter in a skillet. Toss the spears in the butter to get them nicely coated, add salt and pepper and then pour in about a quarter cup of water. Let the water meld with the butter and cook for about three minutes, until the asparagus turns to the most brilliant green. You want the spears to have a perfect little snap left to them. Next time, I’ll cook mine a beat less than I did this morning. I like ’em snappy!

I am so thankful for the extra time I get to spend with my sweet boys while I’m sheltering in place. I set their bed up right by the kitchen table aka my office during the day. Just being able to look over at them resting and cuddling each other makes me so happy. I share all my work from home snacks with them. Sometimes they get grumpy and growly at each other and I totally understand what they’re going through.

I took a shower this morning and ‘got dressed’ to go to the office. I just feel more complete if I’ve filled in my eyebrows and put on a bit of eye makeup, even if I’m working in my sweatpants. Words cannot express how grateful I am to be working right now and to be able to do so in comfort and safety.

What else?

My friend Rebecca shared the ‘Stop Trying to be Productive‘ article by the NYtimes with me. What a breath of fresh air. I’m trying to release all of my MUST DO ALL THE THINGS angst right now. If I make it through the days without an emotional spin-out, I should feel like I’m winning.

I hope you all are well right now. Feel free to share any little bits from your days with me in the comments. I’m here to listen and to support. 🙂

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