damn delicious

Damn Delicious: Easy Green Juice for Juicing Newbies

April 9, 2020

I’m about five years late to this party, but MeeshyD is in the juicing house!

I have this weird resistance to jumping on cultural bandwagons. I’ve never read Harry Potter and I won’t watch the Tiger King and I sat idly by for two entire waves of juice frenzy. It started with cleanses and meal replacements in phase 1 and then transitioned to celery juice as the miracle cure in phase 2 and I just watched. It’s not that I think cultural moments are whack. I am NOT a pop culture snob. I watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians religiously, but for some reason I tend to just sit on the sidelines of these movements.

But, I’m into juice. I developed a taste for green juice at this awesome little espresso stand by our house here in Oakland. It’s about $7 for a small cup, which I know isn’t too bad considering labor and the product juicing requires. I can’t get it right now due to the shelter-in-place restrictions and plus, I was always left wanting more than my little cup of juice. I needed a venti, you know what I mean? A quick scan of the Facebook Marketplace let me know that the phase 1 and 2 juicers are trying to unload their dusty, unused machines, so one thing led to another last week and here I am, an official Juicer.

I bought a Breville (Amazon) for $40 via social distancing on the marketplace and I took my first crack at green juice a la casa today at lunch. I tried to approximate my beloved juice recipe and here’s what I did: one entire pineapple, one small head of celery, one medium-sized Fuji apple and about five massive handfuls of greens mix from Costco. The juicer handled it like a pro and the juice was honestly pure heaven. I had a massive canning jar full with ice and I have another smaller jar to drink with breakfast tomorrow morning.

I am, no lie, completely over the moon about juicing. I’m glad I have this space to write about my newfound juicing passion because all the phase 1 and 2 juicers I know have lost their enthusiasm. I gave some of my juice to Keith to try today and all he said was ‘that tastes earthy’ and I didn’t know if it was a compliment or not.

So, that leads me to my question for you: are you a juicer? Phase 1 or Phase 2? What are you favorite recipes? I am ALL ears for all positive juicing commentary. Please don’t tell me that I’m going to lose enthusiasm for my new hobby because I’m in the honeymoon phase and no one wants to hear the truth when they’re newly in love….

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