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weekly meal plan

Weekly Meal Plan, Week 16 2020 – Still Sheltering in Place

April 18, 2020


That’s all I have to say about staying home for weeks on end.

My motivation to cook waxes and wanes. I’m still experimenting, but my initial enthusiasm has faded. I have been saying I’m going to make kale soup for three days now. I’m just doing the best I can and some days my best also feels like my worst.

At any rate, we have some funs meals on the docket and I wanted to share them with you here. Perhaps you’ll find some motivation or inspiration from this list.

Here’s what I’m planning to make:

  • Going to try to make the famous Roberto Kale soup. It’s really going to happen tonight!
  • The salad above was dinner last night and man was it good. It’s a bagged salad mix of brussels and kale and radicchio with this ‘Better than Bottled‘ balsamic homemade dressing I’ve been making for years. Keith BBQ’d some chicken for our protein and then I added diced apples, candied walnuts, raw pistachios, avocado and some parmesan. It was absolute perfection.
  • Broccoli Cheddar soup with fresh baked bread. My mom sent me a bread recipe that I’m trying to get the hang of.
  • Dropped Biscuits + Fried eggs for weekend breakfast
  • Taco Salad
  • Green juices. I love them so much.
  • Crispy Chicken Tacos
  • Another Roasted Chicken, this time with cabbage in it a la Smitten Kitchen. I just need to find the cabbage somewhere!
  • I was going to make French Silk Pie, but then I decided to make Pecan Delite instead because it reminds me of my childhood and honestly tastes much better than french silk pie in my humble opinion. I made it last night and oh wow. No regrets! Going to share the recipe with you soon.
  • Going to attempt my first Dutch Baby. Wish me luck!

What are you cooking this week? Please share. I’m all ears!

weekly meal plan

Weekly Meal Plan, Week 14 2020 – Shelter in Place Edition

March 31, 2020

As you can imagine, my formal Weekly Meal Plan has gone out the window with everything happening right now. Meal Plans are for the time-starved with access to any ingredient they need. In the age of Covid-19, I am time-rich, but I can’t predict what my local grocery store will have in stock on my weekly trips, so sketching out anything resembling a plan feels impossible right now.

Nevertheless, I still rely on this little blog of mine to generate excitement and enthusiasm for my culinary adventures. I also use it as a guide, a shorthand for what I have in my cupboards. My hope is that my weekly meal plans can inspire you in your kitchen. Maybe you’ll see me cooking something and decide to give it a try for yourself. Lord knows we can all use a little inspiration when it comes to cooking, especially these days where we’re home for most every meal.

So, I decided to make a rough little list of what I plan to cook for the week based on what’s available in my kitchen. I can’t promise I’ll cook it on any certain day, but you can at least see my inspiration and cross-reference what’s on my Baking and Cooking Dream List to see what I’m tackling next.

That said, here’s this week’s plan:

  • Banana Bread – I’m still on my quest to find my perfect banana bread recipe and I have some ripe bananas withering on my counter. Thinking of trying the Smitten Kitchen one she posted today. Do you have a recipe that you swear by?
  • Chicken and Rice Casserole + Roasted French Green Beans. I never buy chicken quarters because I don’t really like meat that much and I really don’t like it off the bone, but they were on crazy sale the other day and I panic-bought them. I’m thinking a cozy casserole is just the ticket.
  • Vegetarian Chili + Grandma’s Mexican Cornbread. I actually made this for dinner last night and it was SO good. That cornbread is damn delicious and the leftovers just get better with time.
  • Whole Roasted Chicken + Jeannie’s Famous Kale Salad + Roasted Asparagus. I need to share that Kale Salad recipe with you all. It’s amazing and I know we could all probably use some more greens in our lives these days. I’m nervous to try my first roast chicken. I’m thinking I’ll go with the Ina recipe because she is just the queen, but I’m open. Do you have any suggestions?
  • Shrimp with Feta. I’m intrigued to try this one even though I’m not much of a shrimp person. I’ll let you know how it goes….
  • Pasta Alfredo. Keith Jr. loves pasta alfredo, so this one will be a surprise for him. I’ve never made it homemade. Have you?
  • Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies. Look, we all need comfort right now. That’s all I’m sayin’.
  • For brunch this weekend: Super Duper Easy Egg Bake.

Our list this week is a wee bit indulgent, but hey, these are unprecedented times. I am also planning to buy a juicer, so there will be lighter days ahead. It’s all balance, right?

What are you cooking while you’re sheltering in place? I’d love to hear!

Image via.

damn delicious, recipes I've tried and liked

Damn Delicious: Vegetable Enchilada Casserole

March 4, 2020

Does anyone make casseroles anymore? We should definitely bring back the casserole! You dump a bunch of stuff together and smear it with cheese and it comes out delectable. Dinner should be easy like this.

This Vegetable Enchilada Casserole, or ‘veggie enchies’ as I like to annoyingly call it, has graced my table for at least 5 years. It isn’t really much of a recipe, but it’s a good, stick-to-your-ribs dinner you can throw together to use up the extra veggies in your fridge and skip the meat-heavy meals every once in a while. It feels good, it tastes good, it’s easy to make and it makes ample leftovers. That’s a winner in my dinner playbook.

Here’s how you make it… the recipe looks a bit complicated, but I promise it’s really super easy. Much easier than making individually wrapped enchiladas. Who has time for that?


  • 18 pack corn tortillas
  • About 2.5 Cups Pre-shredded Mexican Blend Cheese
  • 1 Large Can (28 ounces) Enchilada Sauce
  • Veggies. Go wild here, friends. You really can’t go wrong. I typically do one white onion, one zucchini, one quarter head of cabbage and one can of corn. I will say that I added shredded brussel sprouts to this version and it was a little overpoweringly brussel-y for my taste.
  • 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
  • 1 Tablespoon minced garlic
  • 1 Tablespoon of Taco Mix Seasoning
  • 1 Can (14 ounces) Black Beans, drained


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  2. Chop veggies. Go for smaller, uniform pieces. These veggies are going to be the ‘filling’ of your enchiladas. Do you want to bite down on a huge piece of onion? Probably not. Dice pretty small, but don’t freak yourself out. Veggies cook down easy, so you can’t mess it up.
  3. In large skillet, heat olive oil over medium high heat. Add onions. Let them get nice and brown. Add garlic and stir for a quick minute.
  4. Add remaining veggies. If they’re all pretty uniform in size, you can add them all at once. Cook until the veggies start to get soft and release their juices.
  5. Add taco mix seasoning. Salt to taste. You want the veggies to have a lot of flavor because that adds the oomph to your enchiladas. If you want more seasoning, feel free to sprinkle on some garlic powder, a pinch of cayenne, black pepper. Go wild on the flavor train, but taste as you go so you don’t go overboard.
  6. Once your veggies are nicely browned, stir in black beans. Don’t overmix them or your beans will turn to mush. Turn off heat for skillet.
  7. Now it’s time to layer. Have you ever made lasagna? It’s like that. Prep your corn tortillas by tearing or cutting them into smaller pieces. Don’t overthink it. Maybe aim to tear or cut into quarters? I like a nice chunky bite of tortilla. I also zap them in the microwave for about 40 seconds covered with a paper towel to get them ready for the heat.
  8. Pour a layer of enchilada sauce to coat the bottom of the pan.
  9. Add a layer of tortillas.
  10. Add a layer of veggies.
  11. Add a layer of cheese.
  12. Repeat.
  13. If you still have more, repeat again, but DON’T PUT THE TOP LAYER OF CHEESE ON. Save that for later.
  14. Cover enchies with a layer of aluminum foil and pop in the oven for about 30-40 minutes. Once the enchiladas are heated through (but not dried out), add a final layer of cheese and return to oven without aluminum foil to melt the cheese.
  15. Let stand for about five minutes after you take them out of the oven to allow the flavors to do a final meld.
  16. Top with exorbitant amounts of sour cream and devour.

What’s your easy go-to meal to make at home? I’m always looking for new ideas to add to the rotation.